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Rabu, 11 Juni 2014
Selasa, 10 Juni 2014
10 cara program Go Green Sekolah
10 Ways to Go Green at School
Beth Newingham
on April 21, 2011
While it's certainly worthwhile to use Earth Day to help
students understand the importance of “going green,” it’s also crucial
to encourage students to be environmentally conscious throughout the
year. In this post, I will share a variety of projects and activities
that my own school has implemented to become an official “green school”
in Michigan. I hope you can use these ideas to help your school go
green, but I am also looking forward to reading your comments and seeing
how schools around the world are helping to save our planet.
1. Participate in International Walk to School Day
You can incorporate this activity into your curriculum by asking your students to explore the question: “What impact does car transportation have on the local environment?” Some
upper elementary students in our district have conducted simple air
pollution experiments and analyzed the findings in the context of their
own weekly trip tally, which documents their comings and goings about
town by car, foot, bike, and public transportation. Students then
analyze their own travel data, as well as that of the whole class, and
explore strategies for reducing air pollution.
2. Start a Student-Run Recycling Club
3. Recycle Newspapers & Magazines to Create Fabulous Art Projects
Another way to support your school’s “going green” effort is to get
your art teacher involved. The art teacher at my school, Katie Hosbach,
planned neat projects using entirely recycled materials.
4. Adopt an Endangered Animal
Our school hosted a solar-powered cookout last fall. Parent
volunteers created solar-powered “ovens” made out of cardboard boxes,
aluminum foil, and some rocks and sticks. Before the cookout, we
publicized the event in the school’s weekly newsletter and on our daily
morning TV announcements, explaining the idea and the process behind the
solar cookout. The whole school was treated to a delicious dessert of
s'mores cooked by the sun. It was a big hit and a great example of the
power of natural energy. Visit Disney's Spoonful to learn how to make solar s'mores.
6. Take an Environmentally Informative Field Trip
Field trips are another great way to help your students become more environmentally conscious.
7. Organic Composting
8. Create a Birdhouse Habitat Around Your Playground
9. Go Paperless
Our school is trying to reduce our use of resources by going paperless.
Starting this year, our school’s weekly newsletter (and most classroom
newsletters) are sent home via an email blast instead of being printed
out and copied for all 334 students. Following the success of the
emailed newsletter, our school started using the email blast to
disseminate other information to parents, including field trip
information, fan-outs, PTO meeting updates, volunteer requests, etc.,
saving even more paper. Also, when it is necessary to send home a hard
copy of a note, only the youngest students or only one student of a
family gets a copy.
Senin, 26 September 2011
Download Perangkat Administrasi Sekolah
Rpp Bhs Inggris Kelas 7 Terbaru Unduh aja disini !
Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011
Penyebab Rusaknya HardDisk
Penyebab Rusaknya HardDisk
HardDisk merupakan hardware penyimpanan data yang utama pada komputer. Tanpa harddisk, komputer tidak dapat digunakan secera optimal, karena tampilannya hanya tulisan-tulisan berwarna hitam putih.
HardDisk merupakan hardware yang sensitif. Ada beberapa hal yang menyebabkan rusaknya harddisk. Namun yang paling parah adalah matinya aliran listrik secara mendadak, yaitu:
- Mati lampu. Solusinya adalah dengan memakai adaptor khusus yang dapat menyimpan listrik untuk beberapa menit. Jadi saat mati lampu terjadi, komputer tetap menyala dan masih ada kesempatan untuk mematikan komputer dengan aman.
- Reset. Sebagian orang berfikir bahwa menekan tombol resset pada CPU adalah hal kecil, padahal ini sangat berbahaya bagi harddisk. Alasannya ketika jarum harddisk sedang bekerja, maka posisinya sedang berada di tengah-tengah piringan harddisk. Dan jika kita menekan tombol resset, maka si jarum tersebut akan serentak bergerak ke tepi piringan dan meninggalkan bekas goresan maka terjadilah badsector. Oleh karena itu, jangan asal-asalan menekan tombol reset.
Sekedar tips seandainya komputer hang dan tidak ada jalan lain selain menekan tombol reset. Tunggulah sampai lampu harddisk (biasanya yang berwarna merah) mati, walau pun nyalanya berkedip-kedip, tekanlah tombol resset saat lampu harddisk sedang mati/tidak menyala.
Mudah-mudahan tulisan ini bermanfaat. Bagi anda yang mau menambahkan atau menyanggah tips diatas, saya tunggu di kotak komentar. Terima kasih.